Release notes


December 15, 2021 - charmed-kubernetes-862

What’s new

  • CNI support added to kubernetes-master

The core CNI plugins have been added to kubernetes-master, and the CNI subordinate charms have been updated to render CNI configuration when attached to kubernetes-master. These changes pave the way for Kubelet to be added to kubernetes-master in a future release.

  • Grafana dashboard for etcd

The etcd charm can now be related to the Prometheus and Grafana charms. When doing so, a new Grafana dashboard will be created that makes it easier to monitor the performance characteristics of etcd.

Component upgrades

  • kube-dns 1.21.1 (note: coredns 1.8.3 is the default DNS provider)
  • metrics-server 0.5.1


A list of bug fixes and other feature updates in this release can be found at the launchpad milestone page.

Notes and Known Issues

Snaps may fail to install when the kubernetes-master charm is deployed to a LXD container. This happens when the version of snapd on the host does not match the version inside the container. As a workaround, ensure the same version of snapd is installed on the host and in LXD containers.

  • LP 1936816 and LP 1913228 Filesystem Hierachy Standards

    Applications running inside a kubernetes-master should set pid files and log files in appropriate operational locations like /run/ and /var/log/kubernetes/. Care was taken to restart services using these new locations and migrate some existing files out of /root/cdk/.

    For the service cdk.master.auth-webhook the new pid file and log files are named /run/ and /var/log/kubernetes/cdk.master.auth-webhook.log to match the systemctl service name.

    If the filebeat charm is related to kubernetes-master, ensure that its logpath include this new path ( e.g. juju config filebeat logpath='/var/log/kubernetes/*.log' )

Deprecations and API changes

  • Upstream

    For details of other deprecation notices and API changes for Kubernetes 1.23, please see the relevant sections of the upstream release notes.

Previous releases

Please see this page for release notes of earlier versions.